Art and Energy vist Plymouth’s Energy from Waste incinerator

Earlier this month, Art and Energy organised a vist to MVV Environment, Energy from Waste plant in Plymouth.

The trip was in partnership with our friends and colleagues at Plymouth Energy Community as part of our PEC Pals project.

A group of 25 keen and interested Plymouth area residents took part in a tour of the incinerator plant, guided by Jane Beavon, MVV’s Community Manager.

It was fascinating to hear about where our rubbish goes, the ways in which this provides energy (with potential for significantly more in the future), and the steps taken to monitor and reduce environmental impact. From a viewing platform on high, we could look down over a vast space where a giant claw moves around mountains of rubbish ready to feed to the incinerator. Plus we got to peek inside the burning furnace!

Thank you to MVV’s Jade for the tour and tasty lunch.


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