Art and Energy recently commissioned south-west based writer and performer, Micha Colombo, to write a short story for primary school aged children. The story’s inspiration was to come from our How to Bury the Giant work with themes of mosses, climate action, giants and tiny actions for a brighter greener future.

Micha has written A Mossy Story, a story of Jay and his Nana who meet Tina the magnificent Tardigrade as they daydream deep into the miniature magical world of mosses, seeking inspiration for how to defeat the carbon giant.

A Mossy Story was published by The Art and Energy Collective and is made freely available to you here because we believe that everyone should be supported to take creative steps towards a brighter greener future.

Listen to Micha reading A Mossy Story via SoundCloud or through the links below. You can also download the audio files as MP3 files or a transcript of the story as a pdf.

A Mossy Story written transcript will be available soon in pdf format for use in an educational setting and we hope to publish an illustrated version in the future.

If you need A Mossy Story in a different format then please do get in touch

Our thanks to Micha for her fabulous story.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Listen to A Mossy Story on SoundCloud


Mossellany Monday #7: Gather


Adventures on Harford Moor (11th May 2024)