Let’s Change Culture: Where to Start?

A Guide for Creatives Responding to the Climate Emergency

In our "Let's Change Culture" series, we explore how creatives in Plymouth are leading the way in addressing the climate emergency. A group of over 60 creatives across the city contributed to the development of this series through a consultation process with The Art and Energy Collective supported by Plymouth Culture.

This collection is intended to be added to - So please feel free to add links or comments below to support each other to grow and develop.

So, where do you start if you want to join this movement? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you and your team begin your journey.

Building Courage and Motivation to Address Climate Change Through Art

Embarking on the journey to address climate change through your creative practice can be daunting, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Building the courage and motivation to engage with such complex and urgent issues requires a combination of personal resilience, community support, and strategic action. Here are some steps to help you build the courage and motivation needed to make a meaningful impact.

Find Your “Why”

Reflect on Your Purpose

Understanding your personal reasons for wanting to address climate change can provide a strong foundation for your motivation. Reflect on what aspects of the climate crisis resonate with you the most and why.

Connect with Your Values

Identify the core values that drive your creative practice. Whether it’s a commitment to justice, a love for nature, or a desire to foster community, aligning your work with these values can provide a powerful source of motivation.

Start Small and Build Momentum

Set Achievable Goals

Begin with small, manageable projects that allow you to explore climate themes without feeling overwhelmed. Achieving these goals can build your confidence and create momentum for larger initiatives.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each step forward is a victory and contributes to building your overall resilience and motivation.

Educate Yourself Continuously

Stay Informed

Knowledge is empowering. Continuously educate yourself about climate science, policy, and sustainable practices. Understanding the issues deeply can give you the confidence to tackle them through your art.

Attend Workshops and Seminars

Participate in workshops, seminars, and webinars that focus on climate action and creative practices. Learning from experts and peers can provide new insights and inspiration.

Build a Supportive Community

Join Networks and Groups

Connect with like-minded individuals and groups who share your passion for climate action through art. Being part of a supportive community can provide encouragement, feedback, and collaboration opportunities.

Mentorship and Collaboration

Seek out mentors who can guide you and offer advice based on their experiences. Collaborate with others to share the workload and benefit from diverse perspectives.

Embrace Vulnerability and Authenticity

Be Open and Honest

Share your journey, including your uncertainties and challenges, with your audience. Authenticity can build a deeper connection with others and can also attract support and collaboration.

Learn from Failures

Accept that not every project will be a success. Use failures as learning opportunities and remain open to adapting your approach.

Practice Self-Care and Resilience

Manage Stress

Engaging with climate issues can be emotionally taxing. Practice self-care techniques such as mindfulness, exercise, and adequate rest to manage stress and avoid burnout.

Build Emotional Resilience

Develop strategies to cope with the emotional impact of climate change. This might include talking to a therapist, engaging in reflective practices, or connecting with nature.

Stay Inspired

Draw Inspiration from Others

Look to other artists, activists, and leaders who are making a difference. Their stories and successes can be incredibly motivating and provide models for your own work.

Keep Creative Exploration Alive

Engage in regular creative exploration and experimentation. Keeping your creative practice dynamic and enjoyable can sustain your passion and enthusiasm.

Make a Commitment

Public Declarations

Make a public commitment to climate action through your art. This could be through social media, joining movements like Culture Declares Emergency, or participating in public art projects focused on environmental themes.

Set Long-Term Goals

Establish long-term goals for your practice that align with your vision for climate action. Having a clear direction can keep you focused and motivated over the long term.

Building the courage and motivation to address climate change through art is a multifaceted process that involves personal reflection, continuous learning, community support, and strategic action. By finding your purpose, starting small, staying informed, building a supportive network, embracing vulnerability, practicing self-care, staying inspired, and making a commitment, you can cultivate the resilience and motivation needed to make a meaningful impact.

Resources in Plymouth to Kickstart Climate Action in the Culture Sector

As creatives in Plymouth look to address the climate emergency, several local resources can help the cultural sector take meaningful steps towards sustainability. Here's a list of some of the many organizations, initiatives, and tools available in Plymouth that can support your journey.

Local Organisations and Initiatives

Plymouth Culture

Plymouth Culture supports the city's cultural sector through various programs and initiatives. They offer resources, funding opportunities, and networking events that can help creatives collaborate on climate action projects.

The Box Plymouth

As a major cultural and heritage centre, The Box offers a platform for exhibitions and events focused on sustainability. They also provide educational resources and workshops on environmental themes, making it an excellent partner for climate-related projects.

Plymouth Energy Community (PEC)

PEC is dedicated to creating a fair, affordable, and sustainable energy future for Plymouth. They offer advice on energy efficiency, community-owned renewable energy projects, and can provide valuable insights for cultural organisations looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Real Ideas Organisation (RIO)

RIO supports social enterprise and community projects in Plymouth. They provide mentoring, workspace, and funding opportunities for projects that aim to address social and environmental issues. RIO can help cultural organizations develop sustainable business practices.

Green Minds Plymouth

Green Minds is an initiative focused on rewilding and promoting nature-based solutions in urban areas. They offer workshops, volunteering opportunities, and partnerships for projects that incorporate green spaces and biodiversity into cultural activities.

Plymouth City Council - Climate Emergency Action Plan

Plymouth City Council has a comprehensive Climate Emergency Action Plan outlining the city's goals and strategies for addressing climate change. This document can serve as a guide for cultural organizations to align their activities with the city's broader sustainability efforts.

Transition Plymouth

Transition Plymouth is part of the global Transition Network, which supports community-led responses to climate change. They offer resources, workshops, and networking opportunities for those interested in building local resilience and sustainability.

University of Plymouth - Sustainable Earth Institute

The Sustainable Earth Institute conducts research and provides education on sustainability and environmental science. They offer lectures, workshops, and partnerships for cultural organizations looking to integrate scientific insights into their projects.

Arts Council England - Environmental Program

While not exclusive to Plymouth, the Arts Council's Environmental Program offers guidance, funding, and resources specifically for cultural organizations aiming to reduce their environmental impact. Their resources can help you develop and implement sustainable practices.

Local Sustainability Consultants

Sustainability is being explored by most organisations and groups in the UK. You will be identify local sustainability consultants who may be willing to form partnerships with cultural organisations.

Resources in Devon and the UK for the Cultural Sector to Address the Climate Emergency

In addition to the resources available in Plymouth, there are numerous organizations and initiatives across Devon and the wider UK that can support the cultural sector in making a start on climate action. Here's a list of key resources:

Devon Climate Emergency

Devon Climate Emergency is a collaborative response to the climate crisis involving councils, organizations, and individuals across Devon. They provide a comprehensive Climate Emergency Response Plan and offer resources, guidance, and support for implementing sustainable practices.

Transition Town Totnes

Transition Town Totnes is part of the global Transition Network and supports community-led sustainability projects. They offer resources, workshops, and events on topics such as renewable energy, local food systems, and sustainable living, which can be beneficial for cultural organizations.

Devon Community Energy Network

This network supports community energy projects across Devon, providing advice, funding opportunities, and technical support. Cultural organizations can collaborate with them to develop community-owned renewable energy initiatives.

Julie’s Bicycle

Julie’s Bicycle is a London-based charity that supports the creative community to act on climate change and environmental sustainability. They offer a range of resources, including toolkits, guides, webinars, and an environmental certification scheme tailored for the arts and culture sector.

Creative Carbon Scotland

Creative Carbon Scotland works with the cultural sector to help embed environmental sustainability into its operations and creative output. They offer practical advice, training, and resources, including carbon management tools and case studies.

Culture Declares Emergency

Culture Declares Emergency is a growing movement of individuals and organizations in the cultural sector declaring a climate and ecological emergency. They offer resources, support, and a network for sharing ideas and actions to address the climate crisis.

The Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA)

CSPA provides resources and support for sustainable practices in the arts. They offer a range of publications, case studies, and guidance on integrating sustainability into artistic practices and organizational operations.

Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC)

EAUC supports sustainability in higher education and beyond. They offer resources, training, and networking opportunities for arts and cultural organizations affiliated with universities and colleges.

Rewilding Britain

Rewilding Britain promotes large-scale restoration of ecosystems across the UK. They offer resources and support for rewilding projects, which cultural organizations can integrate into their environmental initiatives.

Sustainable Event Alliance

The Sustainable Event Alliance provides resources and certification for organizing environmentally sustainable events. Their guidelines and best practices can help cultural organizations plan eco-friendly events and festivals.

Regen Art Lab

By giving artists access to our expert energy sector knowledge, the Art Lab aims to explore and increase the awareness of pivotal energy transition issues through interdisciplinary collaborations.

By tapping into these resources, cultural organisations in Devon and across the UK can make significant strides in addressing the climate emergency. Collaborate, innovate, and take action to create a sustainable and resilient future for the cultural sector. Stay tuned for more insights and stories in our "Let's Change Culture" series, highlighting the efforts and successes of creative communities nationwide.

Remember! This collection is intended to be added to - So please feel free to add links or comments below to support each other to grow and develop.


Let’s Change Culture: What Could the Role of Art be?


Creatives Responding to the Climate Emergency: Let's Change Culture Series - Plymouth