Let's Change Culture - Creatives Working Together to Take Climate Action - Launch Event

Plymouth Culture and The Art and Energy Collective invite all creative practitioners and arts organisations in Plymouth to explore together how we can take action for a brighter greener future. Join us on Wednesday 17th July, 10:30am - 12:30pm at The Forum, Sustainable Earth Institute, University of Plymouth.

Over the last year The Art and Energy Collective have spoken to 48 creatives and cultural institutions across the city and have identified the key barriers, questions and challenges faced by the local cultural sector when confronting the climate and ecological emergencies.

Come along and find out what these are and help decide which we can try to overcome together.

During an initial session hosted by Art and Energy, Plymouth Culture at The Sustainable Earth Institute, University of Plymouth we will:

  • Review the challenges and questions faced by Plymouth's Cultural Sector as we confront the climate challenge.

  • Share some of the opportunities noticed by the Cultural Sector for supporting our communities at large to respond to the climate challenge.

  • Consider what might be included in an environmental action plan.

  • Share initial resources that can support creatives to take action for a better world

  • Contribute to shape a programme for the sector that will explore key challenges and possible solutions more deeply.

With your contribution to this session, Plymouth Culture and Art and Energy will shape five meetings that will take place from September until February, and will gather creatives and organisations in the city to explore key climate actions challenges and possible solutions more deeply.

This event is free to attend but booking is essential, please reserve a place so we know to expect you on the day.

If you have any accessibility requirements then please let us know when you book your place.


50m long Mossy Carpet unveiled in Plymouth to promote actions for a greener future (press release)


Mossellany Monday #11: Do Nothing