For those who are new to thinking about the climate emergency - It’s Not Too Late

Not Too Late (

Not Too Late is a website with some great resources to introduce you and your group to climate issues and help you figure out where you fit within it all.

Not Too Late is also a book for anyone who is despondent, anxious, or unsure about climate change and seeking answers. As the contributors to this volume make clear, the future will be decided by whether we act in the present—and we must act to counter institutional inertia, fossil fuel interests, and political obduracy.

​Contributors include Julian Aguon, Jade Begay, adrienne maree brown, Edward Carr, Renato Redantor Constantino, Joelle Gergis, Jacquelyn Gill, Mary Annaise Heglar, Mary Anne Hitt, Roshi Joan Halifax, Nikayla Jefferson, Antonia Juhasz, Kathy Jetnil Kijiner, Fenton Lutunatabua & Joseph Sikulu, Yotam Marom, Denali Nalamalapu, Leah Stokes, Farhana Sultana, and Gloria Walton

Here is some text from their website:

#NotT00Late is a project to invite newcomers to the climate movement, as well as provide climate facts and encouragement for people who are already engaged but weary. We believe that the truths about the science, the justice-centered solutions, the growing strength of the climate movement and its achievements can help. They can assuage the sorrow and despair, and they can help people see why it’s worth doing the work the climate crisis demands of us.

We know that there are still important choices to make about climate, and we don't have to wait hoping for national politicians to act. We know individual actions matter, but in order to have effective change it will take mass action from people everywhere. We know the difference between the best and worst case scenarios matters. We know that the future is being decided in the present. We know that a lot of people are overwhelmed by doom and gloom. It is not too late. At the same time, we are not here to avoid the worst news. We are here to fortify people to face it and to try to change it. 

We also believe that some of the challenging emotions we feel about the planet's climate stem from commonly held frameworks about how change works, where power resides, and what possibility looks like, and we are here to think with you about those as well. Our goal is to offer good news, perspectives,  voices, connections to people, as well as good paths forward for the climate and those who care about it.


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