Consider Eco-anxiety, Burnout and Wellbeing

Increase awareness of how climate issues affect people's lives and capacity to act in response to the climate and ecological emergencies. Explore ways to use creativity to increase wellbeing and agency.


  • Increased understanding of eco-anxiety and how it affects our work.

  • Increased understanding of how creativity supports us and our audiences engage with climate issues.

  • Experience of a helpful tool that helps shift eco-distress to action and agency.

Typical outline:

A 1 day workshop for up to 16 people to better understand eco-anxiety in its various forms and how it might affect your work with an introduction to tools that might help.

  • What is our current understanding of eco-anxiety? How does it show up in our work?

  • An introduction to creative approaches to the climate emergency.

  • What is time spent taking climate action competing with, and how can creative experiences overcome them?

  • Being a ‘bad activist’. Overcoming the pressures of perfectionism.

  • Using the Active Hope tools creatively.

Costs - from £600 plus travel

Contact Art and Energy to discuss how we can work together


Develop a shared vision and action plan


Make a Terrarium Eco-reminder